9 Skin Care Rules to Follow When Living the Yoga Lifestyle

Do you exercise to stay healthy and fit, but worry about the effects it could be having on your skin? When it comes to using skin care products on our bodies, self-education is vital. It turns out that skin is more than what we see. Studies show that breaking a sweat benefits the skin by reducing inflammation, regulating hormones, and preventing free-radical damage. As glowing skin is what many of us aim for, experts believe that there is a secret to achieving flawless skin – and that secret is yoga.

Take your yoga off the mat and incorporate it into your daily life routine for balance and clarity in everything you do. From building healthy relationships to healthy skin care, this is your guide to achieving healthy, glowing skin and peace from within. Here are 9 skin care rules to follow the Yoga lifestyle.

1. Choosing Natural Skin Care Products

Selecting the right skincare products is necessary to protecting yourself from aging, sunburn and skin cancer. Natural products are made of plant-derived ingredients that are grown without the use of GMO, pesticides, herbicides, and synthetic fertilizers. Take high doses of topical retinyl palmitate found in skin care products for example. This can increase hormonal and photo allergenic effects triggered by exposure to the sun.

Be sure to choose a sunscreen that provides true protection and shields you from both UVA and UVB radiation. Avoid harmful ingredients like oxybenzone and retinyl palmitate. Take high doses of topical retinyl palmitate found in skin care products for example. This can increase hormonal and photo allergenic effects triggered by exposure to the sun.

Meanwhile, oxybenzone is another potential hormone-disrupting chemical that has the ability to penetrate the skin and result in early skin aging. Opt for products that include zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, as both are natural minerals that work as active ingredients.

2. Keep Skin Clean

Your skin is an eliminative organ that isn’t just a covering for the body. Most skincare experts recommend that detoxification is the first step to achieving radiant, unblemished skin. In fact, your skin is a reflection of your overall health. Always wash your face before and after yoga to ensure that pores are clear of sweat and dirt buildup. The rule of thumb is to read the ingredients aloud. If it does not sound like something you would like to put in your mouth, it is better to skip it entirely.

3. Stay Hydrated

As the number one rule to living a holistic lifestyle, water is the best form of nourishment you can give your skin. According to Ayurvedic physician, Vasant Lad, drinking water from a blue bottle will have a cooling effect on the mind. Dehydration can make the skin appear and feel aged and damaged. While following a great skin care routine helps enhance the skin, most conditions start from within. In addition to staying dehydrated, eat plenty of fruits and veggies that are rich in citric acid, hyaluronic acid, and lactic acid.

4. Skip the Fragrance

According to the Environmental Working Group, 90 percent of skin care and cosmetic ingredients have not been tested for safety by the Food and Drug Administration. Unfortunately, many of harmful ingredients such as parabens and endocrine-disrupting phthalates are found in traditional skin care products. If you simply must use products with fragrance, opt for products like natural deodorants that use essential oils combined with other organic ingredients.

5. Go Makeup Free

There are plenty of ways to prepare your skin for a workout. One of the golden rules of skin care is to remove all makeup before you exercise. Not only will it clog pores and increase acne due to sweat and oil building, it will lead to damaged skin. When you sweat, pores will open up naturally, thus makeup can block the skin’s ability to breathe.

6. Eat Organic

Those with chronic skin trouble and dull skin are encouraged to try a liver-cleanse and follow an organic diet. According to North Carolina-based dermatologist Gilly Munavalli, MD, he believes conventional dairy products play a strong role to acne and breakouts in adults. Since adult acne is related to hormones, limiting exposure to non-organic dairy products will help clear up blemishes.

Aim for fresh fruits and vegetables with a sufficient amount of quality protein and vitamins. Don’t eat spicy and fermented foods. Instead, choose bland foods such as applesauce and oatmeal. Just be sure to minimize sugar to keep insulin levels down and maintain a healthy balance.

7. Sweat the Toxins Out

Regular physical exercise and yoga will give your body the boost it needs to accelerate the cleansing process and blood circulation. Just one hour of exercise a day will release toxins and give your face a healthy glow. Don’t forget the skincare routine to follow before and after a workout. Apply a toner before your workout to minimize oil production and exfoliate after.

8. Get Some Beauty Rest

Try to set a schedule where you can have at least 8 hours of sleep every night. If you don’t get enough rest, your skin will be the first to suffer. Not only will your skin become dry, it will also sag and appear dull.

9. Accept Yourself

Yoga makes a difference in your skin because of its emphasis on self-love and acceptance. Body image plays a strong role in how you feel in your body, how you describe your body, and how you assume people think about you – all of which relates back to self-esteem.

Through yoga, not only will you learn to refrain from judging your body, but you will also open up to new room for possibilities. With proper guidance and meditation, you will be focus less on the negativity and live more in the moment. In return, your body will reduce the signs of stress in your skin and from within.

Yoga is an amazing addition to your daily routine and overall well-being. While embracing the sweat is vital to keeping your blood flowing and the heart beating, be sure to take extra precaution on how to care for the largest organ – your skin.


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